Saturday, 11 October 2014

Mainland Shetland, October 9th 2014

A twitch that went wrong. It looked hopeful for the main target of Siberian Rubythroat and with additional news of White's Thrush and Lanceolated Warbler we had high expectations but in the end the best we managed was poor views of a Little Bunting.

Yellow-browed Warbler near Quendale Mill

Yellow-browed Warbler near Loch of Hillwell

Twite at Quendale

Pink-feet over Levenwick

Ringed Plover at Levenwick beach


Eider 2
Oystercatcher Present
Black Guillemot 1
Kittiwake 2
Raven 2


Pink-footed Goose Present
Red-breasted Merganser 1
Fulmar Present
Gannet 1
Ringed Plover 4
Curlew Present
Turnstone 5
Redshank Present
Common Gull Present
Herring Gull Present
Great Black-backed Gull Present
Rock Dove Present
Hooded Crow Present
Raven Present
Goldcrest Present
Skylark Present
Chiffchaff 2
Blackcap Present
Wren Present
Starling Present
Blackbird Present
Song Thrush Present
Redwing Present
Robin Present
House Sparrow Present
Meadow Pipit Present
Brambling 10
Chaffinch Present
Reed Bunting 1

Quendale/Loch of Hillwell

Whooper Swan 1
Greylag Goose 1
Wigeon Present
Teal Present
Tufted Duck Present
Scaup 2
Grey Heron 1
Moorhen Present
Oystercatcher Present
Golden Plover 85
Lapwing 90
Curlew Present
Redshank Present
Snipe 50
Black-headed Gull Present
Common Gull Present
Herring Gull Present
Great Black-backed Gull Present
Rock Dove Present
Hooded Crow Present
Raven Present
Blue Tit 1
Skylark Present
Swallow 3
Yellow-browed Warbler 2
Chiffchaff Present
Blackcap Present
Wren Present
Starling Present
Blackbird Present
Song Thrush Present
Redwing Present
Robin Present
Whinchat 4
Stonechat 3
Wheatear 4
Dunnock Present
House Sparrow Present
Grey Wagtail 1
Pied/White Wagtail Present
Meadow Pipit Present
Rock Pipit 3
Brambling 40
Chaffinch Present
Twite 30
Siskin 4
Little Bunting 1
Reed Bunting 1