Today saw the return of the hanging fog but a memorable few hours were spent in the company of Peter A, Christian C, Magnus A, Glenn J and Tomos B. The unquestionable highlight was an utter beast of a juvenile
Glaucous Gull which I picked out on one of the remaining enclosed lagoons among a throng of
Black-headed Gulls and a few
Herring Gulls, the latter it even dwarfed. Other highlights included two
Water Pipits, two
Green Sandpipers, around 20
Common Snipe, a
Kingfisher, two
Cetti's Warblers, two
Chiffchaffs, two
Stonechats, a handful of
Reed Buntings and a couple of first-winter
gulls. Touring the Farmlands with this lovely and mult-talented contingent of local birders was a fabulous way to finish the year.
In the evening, I had a
Tawny Owl hooting at Banstead Woods by the Rambler's Rest.
juvenile Glaucous Gull |