Another varied few days. Developments at the patch include the opening
of the new Banstead Woods 'nature reserve', although quite what this
means remains something of an enigma. A couple of patch visits have
revealed little newsworthy in ornithological terms, while I continue to
somehow avoid the plethora of interesting butterflies on offer. An
evening ringing session at Beddington with just one net produced catches
of juvenile
Chiffchaff and
Whitethroat, along with two re-trap
Reed Warblers. Surrey Ed gave we a tour of his patch, with highlights including
Spotted Flycatcher,
Firecrest, many
Mandarins and a movement of
Swifts, with a female
Shoveler being of local/seasonal significance. A trip to the Harting Combe area offered up two each of
Raven and
Tree Pipit, along with an adult
Mediterranean Gull, a
Hobby, and a
Marsh Tit of particular note.
adult Mediterranean Gull over Sussex downs |
Raven over Sussex downs |
Comma at Canons Farm |