Monday, 14 August 2017

Beddington Farmlands, 14th August 2017

While waiting for the plane back to London at Cork Airport, news came through from Beddington about a Cattle Egret on the North Lake, this being a site first and still a London and particularly Surrey mega! I crossed my fingers that it would stick to the evening and that I'd be able to connect. Fortunately, dad did a sterling job in getting Phil and I home and I managed to race up to Beddington in time to see the egret roost. A new London, Surrey, local area and Beddington bird for me, this species has been on the cards for a while. It represents my 200th local area (12.5km radius from home) species. Just as enjoyable was a long natter with Pete A and Koje, putting the world right till long after dark, when we figured it was probably time to head home!

my 200th local area species