Monday, 21 August 2017

Canons Farm and Beddington Farmlands, 21st August 2017

I started the birding day at Canons, finding little unexpected but a Meadow Pipit and a Willow Warbler provided some value, along with the nesting pair of Swallows and 13 migrant Swifts. Two Little Owls were calling and my first patch Rook in a while flew over.

Spending the evening at Beddington, highlights there included an adult male Wheatear, a quite showy Yellow Wagtail, two 1cy Yellow-legged Gulls, eight Green Sandpipers, a Common Sandpiper, a Sedge Warbler and an Egyptian Goose. There was an increase in ducks since my last visit, with seven Teal, two Pochard and six Shovelers logged.

♂ Wheatear at Beddington
1cy Yellow-legged Gull at Beddington
1cy Yellow-legged Gull at Beddington
adult ♀ Peregrine at Beddington