An awesome day at Oare Marshes! Magnus A and Simon W joined me for a few hours at Oare Marshes. We bagged the adult
Long-billed Dowitcher, the adult
Bonaparte's Gull, an adult
Curlew Sandpiper, two adult
Spotted Redshanks, two juvenile
Little Stints, four
Whimbrels, two juvenile
Little Ringed Plovers, two
Ruffs, a
Greenshank, a
Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 180
Golden Plovers, 150
Avocets, 60 or so
Grey Plovers and three
Turnstones among a typical suite of waders and wildfowl. A handful of
Mediterranean Gulls were around, including at least four juveniles, as were six
Yellow Wagtails and two
Bearded Reedlings. Two
Peregrines, an adult female and a juvenile male, repeatedly buzzed the East Flood and a fresh juvenile
Common Gull was also nice to see. Trickling through were small numbers of
Sand Martin,
House Martin and
There was just enough time for having a stab for
Honey-buzzards at a known site and we were delighted to score a brief view of a singleton which flew over the car as we watched from the road!
adult Long-billed Dowitcher creeping about |
the Bonaparte's keeping up appearances on the East Flood - later seen on The Swale |
adult Curlew Sandpiper |
Golden Plovers - note the juvenile shining bright in the foreground! |
juvenile Little Ringed Plover |
we hit it lucky with a Honey-buzzard |