Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Fisherrow, Kingsbarns and St.Monan's

Another attempt at the White-winged Scoter from the harbour at Fisherrow this morning didn't look promising from the outset. There were fewer Velvet Scoters to work through, and those that were offshore were thinly scattered and mostly very distant indeed. Nonetheless, I enjoyed further views of the drake Surf Scoter and a repeat selection of Long-tailed Ducks, Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merganser and Eiders, plus three Red-throated Divers and a Razorbill. Four Siskins flew over.

We packed up in Edinburgh and moved to one of the Allan digs on the Fife coast at St.Monan's. With wonderful views of the Firth of Forth from the window, including Bass Rock in the distance, there were Red-throated Divers and Eiders viewable from the lounge. We drove along to Kingsbarns for a quick walk along the coast, where highlights included a mix of around 10 Twite and 200 Linnets, a Long-tailed Duck, a calling Grey Partridge, a Goldeneye, 14 Eiders, a Bar-tailed Godwit, three Rock Pipits and a Reed Bunting.

Twite at Kingsbarns

drake Eider at Kingsbarns

female Eider at Kingsbarns

female Long-tailed Duck at Kingsbarns

Oystercatchers at Kingsbarns