Wednesday, 18 March 2020

St.Monan's, Kenmore and Aberfeldy

From the window and during a short walk at St.Monan's this morning, we encountered a Red-throated Diver and small numbers of Razorbills, Guillemots, Gannets, Kittiwakes, Shags and so on offshore. A flock of seven Siskins flew over.

Redshank at St.Monan's

We moved on to Kenmore, where we had a pair of Goldeneye, half-a-dozen Bramblings, four Treecreepers, a female Sparrowhawk, three Siskins, two Buzzards and a singing Mistle Thrush. Another Mistle Thrush was singing in Aberfeldy.

male Brambling at Kenmore

Rook at Kenmore

Song Thrushes at Kenmore