Saturday, 18 April 2020

West Worthing and Goring Gap

I had a quick look from the end of Grand Avenue, hearing a Yellow Wagtail and - strangely - seeing a Ringed Plover fly inland. A Grey Heron, nine Whimbrel, a Red-throated Diver, 27 Sandwich Terns and two Mediterranean Gulls flew east, while 11 Gannets were also logged.

adult Gannet off West Worthing

Grey Heron off West Worthing

I had a quick look from the end of Grand Avenue, hearing a Yellow Wagtail and - strangely - seeing a Ringed Plover fly inland. A Grey Heron, nine Whimbrel, a Red-throated Diver, 27 Sandwich Terns and two Mediterranean Gulls flew east, while 11 Gannets were also logged.

My circuit of Goring Gap featured a Whimbrel flying low over land, two Yellow Wagtails north, three Great Crested Grebes and 17 Sandwich Terns offshore and a party of three Wheatears by the rough area. Other observations included a Kestrel, two Willow Warblers, two Whitethroats and two Turnstones.

adult male Wheatear at Goring Gap showing features of 'Greenland' race leucorhoa

2cy female Wheatear at Goring Gap

Great Crested Grebe off Goring Gap