Thursday, 2 February 2012

Getting chilly

Not a lot been happening in the last week. It's got a little cold, I've flushed a few Woodcocks in Banstead Woods, seen a first-winter Caspian Gull at Beddington and been doing a couple of exams at college. So not anything high-octane. Hopefully gonna try for the Parrot Crossbill and Paddyfield Warbler at the weekend, but unless I was having nightmares I believe I was told it's going to get very cold and very snowy bt then. Give it a shot anyway.

Today was quite interesting in that I had a very quick wander around part of Morden Park just before a biology exam. I heard a Reed Bunting calling and saw it well, a female, in a bush next to me for a little while until it flew off into a wooded area. I wasn't expecting that! Not too bad for a typical manicured London park.